The AI Literacy Leaders Program is a comprehensive initiative designed to empower youth, educators, and community leaders with essential skills in data literacy, AI ethics, responsible AI use, and generative AI applications. Over 52 weeks, participants gain valuable certifications that prepare them to leverage emerging technologies and contribute to their communities’ growth and sustainability. This program reflects our commitment to bridging the digital divide and fostering innovation in underrepresented and marginalized communities worldwide.
SaNDAI is a leader in data-driven decision-making, with a strong track record of supporting global digital participants and fostering innovation.
Impactful Training
The program is designed to address the unique needs of underrepresented and marginalized communities, ensuring that participants can effectively apply their skills in their local contexts.
Global Commitment
SaNDAI dedicates thousands of hours annually to analytics training, supporting growth, innovation, and the spread of new knowledge worldwide.
Empowering Communities
By equipping youth, educators, and leaders with essential AI and data literacy skills, SaNDAI helps transform communities, contributing to broader prosperity and sustainability.
At SaNDAI Cares we promote data-driven decision-making, foster innovation, and drive positive change in underrepresented and marginalized communities worldwide.